
Surviving V day the right way

Valentine’s day….Cupids day, a commercial day, invented by people, probably to sell more stuff and make money. So officially we don’t care about it that much, but since for me, love is my biggest love, it’s hard to completely ignore it. And even if you do choose to ignore it, […]

The eternal battle with an organized house

“If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, then what are we to think of an empty desk?”, Albert Einstein ones responded to a comment on his messy desk. If your house is a reflection of your brain, mine I would say, is chaotic, cosy and always […]

Coffee is soooo 2020, or is it?

Make no mistake, I love coffee. Not just the substance, but the way it smells, especially from freshly grounded beans, mmmm such an interesting layered smell. I love the tradition around coffee, getting together on a terras in Paris for a cafe au lait in the morning. Having your morning […]

Me microdosing mushrooms

There is a whole world out there, where drugs have become an acceptable part of daily life for more and more people. Its called micro-dosing. It has been said to cure traumas and depression. Stories about people becoming more relaxed, happy, creative, connected, alive, focused, life altering experiences are happening, […]

A contemplating morning for this stepmom

This morning I woke up a bit heavy. Sometimes I miss having a full house, I miss having my stepkids around. Im cocooning in bed a little longer. My thoughts go to comments I recently got about my stepmother status. That I am not supposed to call myself a stepmom […]