Coffee is soooo 2020, or is it?

Make no mistake, I love coffee. Not just the substance, but the way it smells, especially from freshly grounded beans, mmmm such an interesting layered smell. I love the tradition around coffee, getting together on a terras in Paris for a cafe au lait in the morning. Having your morning coffee at home, after you drove the kids to school and finally everybody is out of the house. Or after your morning workout, as a ‘reward’. That peaceful moment where you sit down for a second with the morning paper. Or even getting a great takeout coffee on the corner, when you go for a walk with your dog or with a friend. So I like my coffee in the morning, and doing all this with tea is just not the same.., for me. I like tea the rest of the day tough.

But more and more I feel my body is not having it anymore. I was never that coffee addict who drinks coffee all day, or I would have never slept in my life. Currently I only drink 1 or 2 very mild coffee a day, and only in the morning. And even that disrupts my system, that restless feeling, just a tatch out of balance. Also it makes me want to drink more coffee for some reason. That little addictive thing gets activated.

All and all, a good reason to look into alternatives. This is what I found:

Golden milk / Turmeric Latte: this is my favorite, it still has that Latte feel to it and also some kick because of the ginger and turmeric, plus its good for you.
Chai Latte: my number 2, the herbs in this tea together with the milk, make it less like regular tea.
Decaf coffee: I used to drink this quite a lot as an alternative, but for some reason it still makes me hyper. Plus I have heard in the grapevine the process of getting cafeine out, not very healthy.
Ok and tea I guess: tea is great, its just not coffee..

Is Paris also ready, you think? Un lait d’or s’il vous plaît!

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