Welcome beautiful person! Nice to see you here. My name is Peggy and this is a place for me to share. Recipes, subjects that interest me, life hazards, philosophical mind spinsels and this all in a coat of food.
Another food blog? Not really. A blog about me? I hope not. So what is it then. Well I see it as my personal playground where all the things I love can come together. And hopefully with that, inspire people, provide nice recipes, give stuff to think about, some brain food, tell relatable stories, spread some love.
I am not a food or health expert, a dietist, vegan, Im just a food lover, the way it looks, how it tastes, and also high on that list, the way it connects people. And that saying ‘you are what you eat’ is resonating more and more. In practice this means that I pay more attention to what i put in my body and want to expand this area. Full disclosure, I just ate a piece of amazing and non vegan chocolate cake, that happens too. It makes me happy to make people happy, and food.., well, talks. That’s why I like my dishes to be, qualitative, simple, pretty, made with <3, yummy and sometimes a little bit messy!
So what else..
I am passionate about growth & transformation, in all shapes and forms. Growing myself, guiding my kids in growth, and hopefully supporting others in their growth processes. And I love…. love, sigh, that’s a whole story by itself. I like to try out new things, expand my horizon, expand myself.Life inspires me, what goes on behind the obvious intrigues me. My own life has, with all its challenges, a lot of material to think, feel and write about. All the rocky roads, wild waters, roller coasters, love stories and then also domestication. No challenges, no story!
I had my heart broken a few times, and probably broke a few myself. My life is far from perfect, hectic, messy, sometimes lonely, love and love aches and lunch making and dishes, but I love it anyway, well, most of the time..I cook in a teeny tiny kitchen in a cool part of Amsterdam. I’ve had a bunch of family constellations in my house in the past ten years. And currently I live with my 2 daughters and my relationship status is “we are figuring it out”.
This platform is also for myself, how will all my interests come together, and while writing, see where it is all going. This adventure called life, how do we navigate it in the most serving way?
Grow with me!
Oh and 1 more thing, I love french words, and french accents. And socks, I love socks.