Me microdosing mushrooms

There is a whole world out there, where drugs have become an acceptable part of daily life for more and more people. Its called micro-dosing. It has been said to cure traumas and depression. Stories about people becoming more relaxed, happy, creative, connected, alive, focused, life altering experiences are happening, some serious transformation. And I have seen up-close, how it really helped people with a tendency for depression.(increasing serotonin levels)

These are enough reasons for me to want to try it out, mostly out of curiosity than anything else. I have done some experimenting in drug land in my life, but never psychedelics like magic mushrooms or lsd. Not for any major reason, it did not come on my path at the right times, but I guess the idea of hallucinating was not too appealing to me, or maybe a little fear of staying in a trip forever or losing control was involved here. Now, after a few Ayahuasca experiences, suddenly a minor psilocybin trip seems like a walk in the park. And from what I had heard, a very pleasant colorful walk in the park that would be.

So about 3 years ago, I tried it for a week or 2. A little freaked about what it would do, on an easy Sunday, when the kids were not around, my partner and I took our first microdose. This very first time I took about 1gr of (psilocybin) truffle, having read that this is a normal micro-dose amount. First reaction, nauseous unpleasantness. This made me a little nervous, but thank god this only lasted for about half an hour and then I started to feel a little strange. A little more trippy I guess, more than I was expecting, but ok, I thought, lets experience this! We went outside to get some air, and meet some friends.

A little hesitant, because the idea of meeting friends in this state, and ‘pretending’ to be normal did not sound like something I was able to do now. Looking at trees and other nature spectacles on the other hand, was suddenly a lot more interesting and intense then usual. I would say it makes you feel closer to nature. The green is greener, you feel the life in the tree, you notice the little movements it makes, it makes you respect the tree and life in general. I even felt a little guilty towards the trees that I hadn’t paid attention enough to them so much and shown them the respect they deserve.

We met our friends, so I went into ‘friends’ mode or ‘social’ mode. This went remarkably well! Once I took the social hurdle, I found myself to be really engaged in the conversation. Probably slightly better listener then usual, more in the moment, more present. And even though this turned out to be a pretty nice experience, I did feel a little trippy, so nice for an occasion but not for daily, for me that is.

After this first day, I lowered the dose to about 1/4 gr every other day, and that worked for me. I could focus on a task more easily and REALLY be focused. A classic example, cleaning the house for instance, 100% focused I was for hours in a row (is unusual for me), and this time also getting rid of those piles that have been there for years…

After 2 weeks it felt enough for me for the time being, I guess in the end I do prefer ‘au natural’. But I can definitely understand the hype around microdosing and truly believe it can help people get out of certain patterns that are not benefial, like depression. As a little helper at least, a grounding bedding, a little earth magic in truffle form.

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